Yes thats right, Open Map Competition 4 competitors only have about 10 days left to finish and Submit their maps for the contest. Remember that you can submit your map up until the end of the day on September 3rd, on the Greenwich Time Zone.
All competitors can submit better versions of their map even if they have already submitted it. Also here are some tips from Banshee that you may wish to follow:
QUOTE ("Banshee at PPM")
-> Many maps sent so far have no scripts, which means that if your map has scripts, it will have a much better chance of getting a higher score than the competitors. And you can use public scripts, as long as you credit the author of these scripts. Scripts will take 15/1000 of the total score.
-> Watch for the camera settings. The correct ones are 400 (max) and 170 (min). If your camera settings are far from these numbers, you can loose up to 5% of the total score. If you want your map featured on Kane's Wrath, use EA's standard.
-> Lack of minimap can eat 5% of the total score.
-> Remember that this is a competition and not just a chance of getting feedback. Send your best shot. Make the terrain complex, abuse of textures, ambient sounds and scripts.
-> Watch for the camera settings. The correct ones are 400 (max) and 170 (min). If your camera settings are far from these numbers, you can loose up to 5% of the total score. If you want your map featured on Kane's Wrath, use EA's standard.
-> Lack of minimap can eat 5% of the total score.
-> Remember that this is a competition and not just a chance of getting feedback. Send your best shot. Make the terrain complex, abuse of textures, ambient sounds and scripts.
So get mapping! The more maps submitted in the Open Map Competition 4 the greater the odds of user made, asymmetrical maps to appear in Kane's Wrath. Therefor, you need to do your best when making your maps!