Things are looking hopeful for this expansion!
I was beginning to think CNC was a dead in the hands of EA, but things are looking MUCH brighter after reading these articles..
from the looks of things, they're going all out to meet our demands, bringing it right back from TS with the original style costumes, and explaining all about CABAL and the tacitus. Time will tell though if EA will live up to their promises...
Check out these articles:
IGNGamespotGamespyThere's also some interesting screenshots in here for ya as well

Interesting quotes:
QUOTE (Mike Verdu)
"The Tacitus played a role in C&C 3, but it's really central to the third chapter in the expansion pack," explains Verdu. "It has a lot of importance that ties in with the fact that there's a huge warp portal sitting on Earth after the events of C&C 3 and it appears to be a gateway to other star systems and the Tacitus is somehow bound up in the mystery of the Scrin, the portal, and Kane's mission to ascend."
You'll play the role of Kane's right hand man in the re-forging of Nod into the powerhouse that eventually rises up to nearly annihilate GDI at the beginning of the Third Tiberium War.
-Return of Slavik? probably not :( ...
You'll play an entirely new commander and be Kane's new right-hand when playing as NOD.