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> I just wanted to show you this
The DvD
post Apr 23 2007, 05:02 PM
Post #1

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I somehow completely missed this awesome piece of work by Graphics God Lin Kuei Ominae. As you may remember, he's an avid Mech fanatic, and with the gem shown above, he continues to enrich the world of TS modding with art of Mechalicious quality!

The spotlighted topic can be found below:



Please contact me on msn if you need me for anything, thanks.
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post Apr 23 2007, 07:23 PM
Post #2

Attack Buggy
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very nice, it makes sense as a mech factory biggrin.gif
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Lin Kuei Ominae
post Apr 23 2007, 11:12 PM
Post #3

Stealth Tank
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wow, thanks for the compliment DvD biggrin.gif

But i have to say, that it still has a big graphical problem due to its very big size. A unit/building/tree etc behind this building becomes visible through the background as soon as a new unit is leaving the factory. Since this is a TS engine problem and i cant do anything against this, i can only recommend to avoid placing things behind this while a unit leaves the factory.

This post has been edited by Lin Kuei Ominae: Apr 23 2007, 11:39 PM

Co-Leader of Twisted Insurrection
my public units for you
Nod units:____________________________GDI units:
Nod Scorpion__________________________GDI 3A Kodiak
Nod Tachyon Tank______________________GDI Medusa (Triple Cannon Mech)
Nod Goliath___________________________GDI Behemoth (medium size Mech)
Nod Cobra (fast medium mech)__________GDI Battleship Aurora
Nod Siegebot (light MG-Mech)__________GDI Fortress Tower (Heavy Base Defense)
Nod Redeemer (4 legged heavy Cyborg)__GDI Triton (Titan support Mech)
Nod/Scrin WotW Tripod_________________GDI Exciter
______________________________________GDI Ion Charge Collector
Misc and Fun units:
X-Mech Calendar 28 SHP Units
Star Wars Mechs ATAT/ATST
Cyborg Barrack on PPM_________________Mech Factory
Mutant Tiberium Flyer
yt1300 (Millenium Falcon + BIG version)

if you use my units in your mod, please credit me.if you want to use my units on your website please ask me before.
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post Apr 24 2007, 06:56 AM
Post #4

Flamethrower Infantry
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Thank goodness... it's Western mechs. (I'm not really a big fan of Japanese mecha or any of the like.)

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post Apr 29 2007, 02:47 AM
Post #5

Tick Tank
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How could you not like Jap Mechs? LKO, make Jap mechs next! hehehe.
That looks totally awesome!

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post May 17 2009, 11:43 PM
Post #6

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Why does the red one spark. =D Mabye once the mech is finish building then sparks could come out to symbolize constrution.

(+[ ]::) PSP?
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Lin Kuei Ominae
post May 18 2009, 10:08 AM
Post #7

Stealth Tank
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It's the standard sparks damage anim which plays on nearly every building when damaged (even the original buildings have this).

This post has been edited by Lin Kuei Ominae: May 18 2009, 10:09 AM

Co-Leader of Twisted Insurrection
my public units for you
Nod units:____________________________GDI units:
Nod Scorpion__________________________GDI 3A Kodiak
Nod Tachyon Tank______________________GDI Medusa (Triple Cannon Mech)
Nod Goliath___________________________GDI Behemoth (medium size Mech)
Nod Cobra (fast medium mech)__________GDI Battleship Aurora
Nod Siegebot (light MG-Mech)__________GDI Fortress Tower (Heavy Base Defense)
Nod Redeemer (4 legged heavy Cyborg)__GDI Triton (Titan support Mech)
Nod/Scrin WotW Tripod_________________GDI Exciter
______________________________________GDI Ion Charge Collector
Misc and Fun units:
X-Mech Calendar 28 SHP Units
Star Wars Mechs ATAT/ATST
Cyborg Barrack on PPM_________________Mech Factory
Mutant Tiberium Flyer
yt1300 (Millenium Falcon + BIG version)

if you use my units in your mod, please credit me.if you want to use my units on your website please ask me before.
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post May 19 2009, 01:25 AM
Post #8

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LKO I think it would look better if you removed the animation for the pillar on the right, as it plays over the unit leaving the factory.


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post May 19 2009, 05:45 PM
Post #9

Ghost Stalker
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QUOTE (I_Am @ May 18 2009, 09:25 PM) *
LKO I think it would look better if you removed the animation for the pillar on the right, as it plays over the unit leaving the factory.

Good job waiting two years to say something tongue.gif


Epitoma Rei Militaris - Flavius Vegetius Renatus
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post May 20 2009, 01:50 AM
Post #10

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I never noticed the graphical glitch and it is rather hard to find flaws in LKO's work.


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Lin Kuei Ominae
post May 20 2009, 09:23 PM
Post #11

Stealth Tank
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This anim was already fixed (as written in the mechfactory topic, it stops playing the anim while a unit leaves the factory)

The shown anim was simply done before i fixed this glitch and i didn't made another one. The damaged anim in the topic shows that it works.

QUOTE (Lin Kuei Ominae @ Feb 5 2007, 12:03 AM) *
the first undamaged anim still shows the old press anim that is shown through the annihilator.
the second damaged shows the new one that stops the press while a unit is leaving the factory. The code how this is done is also in the zip.
And so it works right now. (just a short description) Press anim is a Production anim. after the first unit is build it starts and loops until the next unit leaves the factory. it stops for a fixed duration (quite as long as a unit needs to come out) and then starts looping again.

This post has been edited by Lin Kuei Ominae: May 20 2009, 09:24 PM

Co-Leader of Twisted Insurrection
my public units for you
Nod units:____________________________GDI units:
Nod Scorpion__________________________GDI 3A Kodiak
Nod Tachyon Tank______________________GDI Medusa (Triple Cannon Mech)
Nod Goliath___________________________GDI Behemoth (medium size Mech)
Nod Cobra (fast medium mech)__________GDI Battleship Aurora
Nod Siegebot (light MG-Mech)__________GDI Fortress Tower (Heavy Base Defense)
Nod Redeemer (4 legged heavy Cyborg)__GDI Triton (Titan support Mech)
Nod/Scrin WotW Tripod_________________GDI Exciter
______________________________________GDI Ion Charge Collector
Misc and Fun units:
X-Mech Calendar 28 SHP Units
Star Wars Mechs ATAT/ATST
Cyborg Barrack on PPM_________________Mech Factory
Mutant Tiberium Flyer
yt1300 (Millenium Falcon + BIG version)

if you use my units in your mod, please credit me.if you want to use my units on your website please ask me before.
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Huey The Infecte...
post Nov 16 2009, 01:55 AM
Post #12

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QUOTE (Lin Kuei Ominae @ May 20 2009, 10:23 PM) *
This anim was already fixed (as written in the mechfactory topic, it stops playing the anim while a unit leaves the factory)

The shown anim was simply done before i fixed this glitch and i didn't made another one. The damaged anim in the topic shows that it works.

Hey Lin, I've only just seen your Cyborg Factory, and I think it's glorious.
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