Hallo Commander !
More about me
hereMy only interest is TIBERIUM DAWN. Sometimes I test other games, but I have to focus due to time constraints.
This is my
current concerns.
Mapmaking activities, in progress:
The Arctic Missions conversion: I'm repowering a pack of 4 missions, converting from winter theater to snow theater. I'm also using it for mapmaking trainment.
A Med Evac procedure was aborted when our HeliMed took a hit and was forced to land somewhere in Tabarka, Tunis.
We discovered then, that a lot of those spreaded villages in the sands of Tunis are a disguise for an embrionary network of terrorists camps sponsored by the Nod.
GDI has a radar array system supported by an underground base in Duga Uvala, Croatia.
Unfortunately the Nod discovered that and improvised an attack base nearby for a massive crush. The invasion is imminent.
GDI: SUPER 6-4Storyline======
A re-creation of Black Hawk Down for CnC95. A hommage to Riddley Scott and his achievements.
I'm starting to deal with palettes and SHP files, but this will take time.
Thanks for your attention
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